Project No. and Name:

SESAR Deployment Programme Implementation 2016 – Cluster 1


MATS – Malta

Project Details:

SESAR is responsible for defining, developing, validating, and delivering technical and operation solutions to modernise Europe’s air traffic management system and deliver benefits to Europe and its citizens.

Malta will be participating in 3 actions under this project:

1. INEA 2016_161_AF6 DLS Implementation Project Path 1

Project amount: €6,552,606

Under this action, Data Link Services will be implemented to permit the data transfer from the communication segment of the VDL2 system to any kind of “operational” environment. 

Mainly the project will address the Ground – Ground Communication, Air – Ground Communication and the Multifrequency.  This project is still ongoing for Malta to join the rest of the European Union states in further digital communication.

2. 2016_109_AF5 BLUEMED FAB IP Network Deployment

Project amount: €838,184

The BLUE MED ANSP Members have planned, and Malta already implemented the local IP network to accommodate future System Wide Information Management (SWIM) capabilities.  Internet Protocol Network connectivity will enable ATM information exchange, thus ensuring improved operational capabilities.

3. 2016_159_AF6 DLS Implementation Project Path II

Project amount: €76,840

Path II aims at identifying and defining the main preparatory activities to be undertaken towards the implementation of the European target solution (Model D), in support to SDM activities.

To enable the full achievement of the European Target Solution, Model D by 2022, the following activities are expected to be performed:

a) Identification of the Service Areas

b) Design of the system architecture at Service Area and European level
